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Tzemach David Prize 

for Excellence in Innovative Jewish Education

About the Prize:


The Tzemach David Prize is a 25,000 nis unrestricted cash prize awarded annually to up to seven educators or teams of educators in the Mamlachti Dati system who demonstrate extraordinary accomplishment in one of the following seven core elements of innovative Jewish education:

  • The Tzemach David Prize for Excellence in Leadership Development

Awarded for excellence in instilling and fostering leadership qualities in students. Whether through student empowerment, service learning, mentorship, or cutting-edge curricula, this category recognizes those who are shaping future leaders. Beyond preparing for careers, it's about molding compassionate, responsible citizens that can properly communicate and lead others, with an eventual goal of developing the future leaders of Israel.


  • The Tzemach David Prize for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Integration

Awarded for excellence in integrating multiple disciplines into a single multi-week unit.  Preference will be given to units which incorporate Judaic Studies and General Studies and involve multiple faculty members.

  • The Tzemach David Prize for Excellence in Real-World Learning

Awarded for the creation and implementation of exemplary learning experiences that help students break down the barriers between school and the world around them.  Preference will be given to experiences that demonstrably heighten student motivation for learning and increase the ability to apply knowledge in a real-world setting.

  • The Tzemach David Prize for Excellence in Learning Environment

Awarded for the creation of an innovative physical learning environment that promotes academic, social, emotional or spiritual growth.  To qualify, the learning environment must be used by students for a minimum of six months. 

  • The Tzemach David Prize for Excellence in Differentiated Instruction

Awarded for the creation and implementation of innovative and effective means of differentiating instruction for a diverse student body within a single class environment.  Preference will be given to methods and approaches that span more than one traditional grade level, can be used in multiple contexts for a variety of subject areas, and which demonstrate the utmost sensitivity to student self-confidence and self-image.


  • The Tzemach David Prize for Excellence in the Development of Critical and / or Creative Thinking

Awarded for excellence in facilitating student success at the upper three echelons of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy: Analysis, Evaluation, and Creation.  Preference will be given to approaches that are scalable across multiple developmental levels and replicable across multiple disciplines.

  • The Tzemach David Prize for Excellence in Risk Taking and Failure

Awarded for a failed project or initiative that falls into any of the five categories above. Only projects or initiatives that were developed and fully implemented in a classroom will be considered. Preference will be given to failures that resulted in lessons that are applicable and relevant to a broad spectrum of educators across subject areas and grade levels.


The prizes will be awarded at a ceremony in May 2025. 


Tzemach David Prize Database

At the close of the submission period, submissions will be made available to the public as a searchable online database known as the Tzemach David Prize Database. By highlighting and sharing the exceptional lesson plans and curricula of hundreds of outstanding Jewish educators, the Tzemach David Prize Database will empower and challenge Jewish educators to think differently about how people learn and what Jewish education ought to look like, so that no family will ever have to choose between an excellent education and good Jewish education. Apart from promoting access to quality Jewish educational material that conforms to the current research about how people learn, our database will also facilitate networking and collaboration among schools and educators worldwide.

Requirements and Regulations: 


Additional Details & Regulations:


  1. Up to one prize will be given in each category each year.

  2. Educators may submit multiple entries into the multiple categories available for the Tzemach David Prize.  A single educator, however, will not be awarded more than one prize in a given year.  A single entry may be submitted into no more than two different categories.

  3. Submissions must already have been implemented in the classroom.

  4. The Tzemach David Foundation intends to share selected submissions widely and in various forms. All applicants will be required to sign a release granting Tzemach David permission to share his or her submission prior to its acceptance for review. The selected submissions will be made public on a website. 

  5. Winners will attend a conference where they will share their winning submissions with the Tzemach David Foundation and their fellow winners. At the conclusion of the conference, the winners will receive their cash prizes.

  6. Submissions may be made by educators of any subject or discipline as long as they are currently employed in a Mamlachti Dati school.  

  7. Submissions will be reviewed and evaluated by a panel of experts and thought leaders in varied areas of education, psychology and STEAM. 

  8. Submissions should be received in a text form accompanied by any of the following formats: video, audio, powerpoint, prezi, etc.


What would the application process look like?

Teachers can fill out an application form with their submission hereThis part must be submitted by each teacher independently. selected submissions will be shown on the data base and 6-7 winnesr will be chosen by our judges. 

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