The Tzemach David Foundation
'Tahel' Mental health course for teachers and teenagers - Iron Swords
Finding a Safe Place in an Unsafe World
In response to the situation during the 'Iron Swords' war in Israel, the Tzemach David Foundation, in collaboration with Tahel, offers a single Zoom English session to teachers, providing them with tools to help their students cope mentally with the situation.
Tahel aids abuse victims in rebuilding their lives. Recent years have seen a surge in depression, anxiety, and suicidal behavior among youth globally. Research suggests volunteering benefits young adults, fostering a sense of purpose and connection.
During this October war in Israel, we are seeing the adult Israeli population rise up to meet the needs of the victims of the war atrocities, and the families who have been evacuated, or whose loved ones have been massacred or are captive. With all of this important and urgent volunteer work, we are wondering who is looking out for the teenagers. They are constantly exposed to the horrors and brutal videos of this war, via their phones and internet. They are being exposed to horrible atrocities with no one to help them deal with these brutalities.
Dror Project- Training Teens to Be Support for Friends
Similarly to the 'Finding a safe place in an unsafe world' project the Tzemach David Foundation, in collaboration with Tahel, offers a swift first responders course and mental health tools to Olim teenagers.
Tahel aids abuse victims in rebuilding their lives. Recent years have seen a surge in depression, anxiety, and suicidal behavior among youth globally. Research suggests volunteering benefits young adults, fostering a sense of purpose and connection.
Amid the October war in Israel, adults are stepping up to aid war victims and their families, but we must also consider the teenagers. They are exposed to distressing war images via their phones and the internet, lacking support.
Tahel's "Dror" project now extends to train teens and young adults nationwide to help their suffering friends, identify excessive stress, and guide them to get assistance.